I've been scarce around these parts lately, lol. So here is a bit of an update as to whats happening round here :)
I have 8 sleeps left till we leave on holiday! I can't wait!! We will be staying at
Club Hacienda, Shelley BeachI am *so* looking forward to it! I am just praying for way better weather then we had
last year! Although it is bad timing...on of my best friends is getting married that week and my husband refuses to cut our trip short by a day in order for me to make the wedding. I really am not happy about it, but I can't just leave him at the coast...can I??? *grin*
The website I did for the company in Australia is finally up! I posted a sneak peek a while ago, but I then presented them with a more "technical" looking site then the pretty one I did initially, lol. Being guys they, after much deliberation, settled on the second one. Its 98% complete, once I recieve payment I'll complete it, lol.
Take a peek
hereThen the last update is about Lemon, my eldest. The teacher noticed she wasn't able to see the board from where she was sitting, near the back. So she was moved closer. It didn't help much as Lem still had to get up to see the board. I took her to our optometrist and it turns out she needs glasses - she inherited J's bad eyes. I will post pics soon, I must admit I have been VERY lazy and haven't picked up my camera in weeks! I promise to get some up this weekend!
I think thats about all my news..off to catch up in bloggerland :)