I've taken a bit of a break but ready to get back into the swing of things! 2010 - Let it be a fabulous year for us all! Heck it will take a lot to be worse then last year wont it!
To be honest I am glad December is over and I can just get on with things now!
Christmas was ok. Lol. Just ok.
My dad was very down the whole day, to be expected I know. I had my moments but tried to have the best day I could for the kids. J? Played playstation the WHOLE day *rolly eyes*
Lol here are some of my best snaps of the day:
New Years was actually not bad at all! My dad and I went to Emperors Palace as we wanted to take the girls to see the Garden of Lights. The girls had a fabulous time! We went to the Spur for dinner and then got home just in time to crack the champers and toast in the New Years.
Lol New Years does however make me cringe..I did something really really stupid and may have messed up an awesome friendship I had with someone *arghhhh*. And yes, it is a guy. I will give more details later.
Another bit of news is that my dad is going to sign as surety on me taking my house over *yaaaaaaay me* !!! SO I dont have to move :) :) After the divorce I will be keeping my little housie :) I am so stoked I can't even tell you!!! My house isnt much, but its mine and I love it and I don't want to lose it!
Before I go I just have to share this last bit too :)
I am busy researching suppliers to import a specific component that I want to make into a certain jewellry item (lol can't say too much just yet)
Check my horoscope from FB for today
Your Daily Horoscope: January 5, 2010
Cancer Jun. 21 - Jul 22 (Wrong Sign?)
We do live in a material world, Cancer, and today you are a shining example of how beautiful it can be. It's possible that you are doing something creative, or that you are focusing on the quality of something you are buying. The image for you is actually of jewelry, but it is important that you not overextend your resources or bite off more than you can chew just because of an extravagant moment. This is a good day for making aesthetic choices, but it is not a good day for spending or speculating.
How is that??????????????? lol this is just WAY too wierd for me now!!
Great photos. YOur girls are just so very beautiful. I don't get to see them enough.
your horoscopes are really getting interesting. :)
I think its lovely J plays play station - it keeps him out of your hair! I would have bought him a whole lot of games for Christmas actually!
Those pictures are lovely - your tree is beautiful!
And YAY for dad :) AWESOME!
Your decorations are gorgeous and Yay about your dad and your house. It sounds like the year is starting off well for you x x
LOL at Laura's comment :)
What a gorgeous tree!
What size bike did you get Lem?
I wish J would move
Aw the girls look great!
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